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   日期:2024-06-09     浏览:46    评论:0    


Tea is sweeter than honey.


When I was young, I really enjoyed eating honey. Mix some with breakfast, bring some when going out to play, and spread some on bread. Before, my life couldn’t do without honey, but as time went by and I grew older, I forgot about honey because I thought it always had this taste: no hard work, only carefree. No exploration, just ready-8made sweetness. This sweetness will eventually get tired. But tea is different. The sweetness of honey can only satisfy the taste, while the sweetness of tea can satisfy the heart.


The first time I drank tea, I felt the taste was bitter and bitter, but the second time I drank tea, I felt it was a bit sweet and had a slightly fragrant and pure feeling. The different flavors of tea can also change a person’s mood. The bitterer the tea, the more fragrant and pure it becomes in the end, making people feel very satisfied; What about the light and simple ones? Its fragrance is also light and leaves a lasting aftertaste.


If there is effort, there is reward. Tea has this taste. At first, you may feel bitter, but after drinking it, you will feel more and more fragrant. Sometimes the same goes for people. The more you put in, the more you get. This is called ‘bitter before sweet’. What you receive will be one thousand times and ten thousand times more than what you give.


There are only two possibilities in a person’s life, one is to be bitter first and then sweet, and the other is to be sweet first and then bitter. Sweetness can also be different. One type of sweetness is obtained without effort, just like honey. There is another type of sweetness that has been explored, which is bitter first and then sweet, just like tea. It’s up to you to choose which sweet you want.



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